2024 September Newsletter

Term 3’s finished Saturday 28th September.  Term 4 begins on Monday 14th October.  No dancing on Labour Day 28thOctober (classes still on Saturday 26th October).  Term 4 Fees to be paid by Saturday 19th October if you wish to have the prompt payment discount.    

All fees to be paid in the first 3 weeks of the term.

Please work out your fees from the chart below.  Invoices will be posted in the holidays on the parent portal, please double check that it is correct and advise us if there is an error prior to making payment. 

  • Fees are to be paid through the parent portal or cash only please, no direct debit payments please unless you have a regular automatic payment set up.
  • If paying cash, please pay the office and receive a receipt.

From the 4th week on, only paid up members of the academy may participate in classes.   All fees include GST. 

 Showcase Recording –The show will be available to watch (once it has been edited and competed) via a link and will be able to be viewed until March.  You will be given an option to download it but once the link has gone it will not be available anymore.  The cost for having this will be divided by every student dancing in the show ($15 per person).  If you would like a copy given to you on a USB, this is an additional $15 to cover the cost of the USB stick and the time to load it on, it will need to be ordered and paid for by 1st of November if you would like one.  Please email us on info@awda.co.nz to advise us that you would like a USB so that it can be added to your account.

Showcase fees per dancer:

$15 showcase recording download fee (compulsory)

$25 rehearsal fee (compulsory)

Total option 1 – $40 per person, option 2 – $55 including USB stick with show recording

Show fee has been added in the table below:

Classes  Term fee      Show Fee                          Total         If PAID in week 1

                                                                                                             by 19th October

½ hr           $105            $40                                      $145.00        $140.00

¾ hr           $130            $40                                      $170.00        $165.00

1 hr             $145            $40                                      $185.00        $180.00

1 ¼ hr         $160            $40                                      $200.00        $195.00

1 ½ hr         $175            $40                                      $215.00        $210.00

NOTE:  If you are in more than one item you pay only one $40 show fee. Add $15 onto your final total if you wish purchase a show USB (please advise us).

Extra discount for multiple lessons per week:

10% for 2 or more classes per week

UNLIMITED LESSON PACKAGE – $650 (t&c’s – for one sibling only, no other discounts apply, does not include competition, open item or private lessons). 

Please subtract the multiple lesson discount after taking off the prompt payment discount and then add the show fee. Please note that there are no refunds given or fee credits for missed classes.  Make-up lessons are allowed for missed classes.

Trophy Returns

All trophies need to be returned in a clean condition with name engraved on it by the first week of Term 4 AT THE LATEST.  Please start organising this now if you were a recipient of a trophy last year.

Is there any person that has a spare room and is able to accommodate collecting of trophies and to store these on a table (I can supply this) until it is ready to be boxed up for the showcase?

Showcase Costumes – For most classes if the costume is being purchased or made we are asking for a costume deposit now, please pay this in cash as often more than one person is involved in the purchasing. 

Drinking water in class – Students please bring your own water bottle (and fill it at the studio if you like).  Please ask the teacher if you wish to have a drink.

Mobile Phone Etiquette – Students should have their mobile phones switched off during a class unless expecting a parent to contact them, and not be texting during lesson time.

Second hand clothing – Any money not collected will be donated to scholarship. 

Lost Property – Any remaining lost property will be donated to the Salvation Army at the end of this term.               

 “Lights Camera Action” – this year’s annual showcase  

Friday 6 December 6:00pm show – All items, no Prize Giving

Saturday 7 December 2:30pm show – All items with the Junior Prize Giving

Sunday 8 December 2:30pm show – All items with the Senior Prize Giving

JUNIOR – Pre Primary, Primary, Grade 1-3 Ballet, Primary Jazz 1 & 2, Junior Jazz 1-3, Elementary 1-2, Lucidity 1-6, Acrobatics 1-2, Encore Theatre 1-4, Urban Ignition 1-4, Grade 1-3 Tap.

SENIOR – Grade 4 and above Ballet & Tap, Elementary 3 Jazz and above, Lucidity 7 and above, Acrobatics 3, Encore Theatre 5 and above, Uban Ignition 5 & above, Senior Contemporary, Senior Lyrical, Salsa.

Levels are taken from what Grade you are in now, not what you were prior to exams.


Each item will have a rehearsal in costume after school at the Glen Eden Playhouse Theatre:

Tuesday 3 December – 1st half of the show

Wednesday 4 December – 2nd half of the show

This will be for approximately 45 minutes.  Times TBC.  No spectators for rehearsals.

Please note for parents/guardians during show performances that you are only allowed backstage if you are the official helper for a show group or if you are helping with a quick change.  Let us know ASAP if you are able to help backstage for one of the shows.  If your child is under 10 and in more than one item and you are not the show helper, you will be allowed to come in briefly to help them change.  Any children older than this you will need to organise with the class helper or a senior student to assist your child if needed.  We also need parent help during the show as a show usher, we cannot run the show without parent/adult help so if you are able to assist with the show, we really would appreciate it.

We expect the showcase to run for approximately 2 ½ hours including prize giving.  There is limited car parking so please allow time to walk to the theatre after parking.

If you wish to take part in our show you must be available for ALL the rehearsals and showcase dates.  If you are unable to take part in ‘Lights Camera Action’ please let your teacher know NOW so that the choreography and costumes can be arranged for the correct number of students. 

We realise that this is a lot of information so if you are new to AWDA Rhythm ‘n’ Steps this year and are unsure of anything, please feel free to ask.

Kym 027 264 7287