Exam Timetable
2024 AWDA Rhythm ‘n’ Steps
EXAMINER: Miss Yee (Urban Ignition, Encore Theatre & Jazz)
Exams – Monday 5th August
8:30am Urban Ignition Level 3 (4) 30 mins
9:00pm Urban Ignition Level 5 (5) 40 mins
9:40am Encore Theatre Level 1 gp A (2) 20 mins
10:00am Morning Tea
10:20am Encore Theatre Level 1 gp B (4) 25 mins
10:45am Encore Theatre Level 3 (5) 25 mins
11:10am Encore Theatre Level 7 gp A (4) 40 mins
11:50pm Lunch
12:25pm Encore Theatre Level 7 gp B (2) 35 mins
1:00pm Encore Theatre Level 10 (3) 40 mins
1:40pm Primary Jazz 1 (3) 30 mins
2:10pm Primary Jazz 2 gp A (2) 20 mins
JUrban Ignition Level 3
1. Eleanor Noakes
2. Emily Skevington
3. Ruby Bainbridge
4. Arthur Bainbridge
Urban Ignition Level 5
1. Trina Chaudhary
2. Kelly Stuchlik
3. Aislinn Hudson
4. Coco Kane
5. Grace Hale
Encore Theatre Level 1 group A
1. Beatrix Nancarrow
2. Ramona Nancarrow
Encore Theatre Level 1 group B
1. William Nicholls
2. Olivia Dron
3. Keirah Vickery
4. Jessica Iszard
Encore Theatre Level 3
1. Mia Foster
2. Sophia Dron
3. Madeline Wiig
4. Isabelle Tarrant
5. Emily Avery
Encore Theatre Level 7 group A
1. Aimee Hartley
2. Zoe Skevington
3. Bonnie Govier
4. Scarlett Bainbridge
Encore Theatre Level 7 group B
1. Ella Dron
2. Addison Mildon
Encore Theatre Level 10
1. Bronte Sorby
2. Lily Edgerley
3. Grace Johnson
Primary Jazz 1 APDA
1. Lucy Hua
2. Ira Deshmukh
3. Riley Cameron
Primary Jazz 2 APDA – group A
1. Evie Bickerton
2. Zelda Tusega
AWDA Rhythm ‘n’ Steps
EXAMINER: Miss Yee (Jazz)
Exams – Tuesday 6th August
8:30am Primary Jazz 2 group B (6) 40 mins
9:10pm Junior Jazz 1 group A (7) 50 mins
10:00am Morning Tea
10:20am Junior Jazz 1 group B (6) 50 mins
11:10am Junior Jazz 2 group A (5) 35 mins
11:45am Junior Jazz 2 group B (5) 50 mins
12:35pm Lunch
1:10pm Junior Jazz 3 group A (2) 30 mins
1:40pm Junior Jazz 3 group B (7) 50 mins
Primary Jazz 2 APDA – group B
1. Aayat Iqbal
2. Beatrix Nancarrow
3. Amelia Warren
4. Zoe Breetvelt
5. Mikaela Alinea
6. Aiyanna Epati
Junior Jazz 1 APDA – group A
1. Isla Mae Grondin
2. Rose Van den Borst
3. Eve Fraser-Bruce
4. Lara McCarthy
5. Mihi Simms
6. Lucie Bamborough
7. Leiah Hughes
Junior Jazz 1 APDA – group B
1. Olivia Dron
2. Bonnie Ciurlionis
3. Auri Han
4. Grace Sweeney
5. Layla Margan
6. Jessica Iszard
Junior Jazz 2 APDA – group A
1. Ayla Breetvelt
2. Kuini Babbington
3. Abigail Coenradi
4. Sienna Lambert
5. Sienna Maich
Junior Jazz 2 APDA – group B
1. Shania Shen
2. Keirah Vickery
3. Abbigale Sun
4. Alisha Gowlikar
5. Beatrice Watt
Junior Jazz 3 APDA – group A
1. Maia Beckermann
2. Aria Tanner
Junior Jazz 3 APDA – group B
1. Emily Skevington
2. Jessica Babbington
3. Emma Morgan
4. Nina Hays
5. Bianca Maich
6. Ava Heke
7. Saisha Ghosh
AWDA Rhythm ‘n’ Steps
EXAMINER: Miss Yee (Jazz & Lucidity)
Exams – Wednesday 7th August
8:30am Elementary Jazz 1 (6) 55 mins
9:25pm Elementary Jazz 2 (4) 45 mins
10:10am Morning Tea
10:30am Elementary Jazz 3 (7) 60 mins
11:30am Intermediate Jazz 1 (6) 70 mins
12:40pm Lunch
1:15pm Intermediate Jazz 2 (3) 55 mins
2:10pm Lucidity Level 5 (7) 50 mins
Elementary 1 APDA
1. Sophia Dron
2. Isabelle Tarrant
3. Emma Burrows
4. Isla-Ruby Cookson
5. Auriela Bathurst-Jones
6. Ruby Wood
Elementary Jazz 2 APDA
1. Aubrey Wilson
2. Olivia-Jayne Carnie
3. Paige Browne
4. Katherine Hughes
Elementary Jazz 3 APDA
1. Miriama Brown
2. Natasha Miller
3. Abbie Edgerly
4. Liya Whyte
5. Addison Mildon
6. Bonnie Govier
7. Pippa Tansley
1. Ella Dron
2. Kelsey Cookson
3. Sarita Wang
4. Zoe Skevington
5. Kate Turnbull
6. Alicia Wood
Intermediate 2 Jazz APDA
1. Charlotte Malone
2. Eva Skinner
3. Mie Whyte
Lucidity Level 5
1. Madeline Breetvelt
2. Maia Beckermann
3. Sophia Dron
4. Madeline Wiig
5. Aria Tanner
6. Nara McLaren
7. Isabelle Tarrant
Exams – Thursday 8th August
8:30am Lucidity Level 6 (4) 55 mins
9:25pm Lucidity Level 7 group A (4) 60 mins
10:25am Morning Tea
10:45am Lucidity Level 7 group B (4) 60 mins
11:45am Lucidity Level 7 group C (5) 70 mins
12:55pm Lunch
1:30pm Lucidity Level 10 (2) 50 mins
Lucidity Level 6
Paige Browne
Katherine Hughes
Liliana Johnson-Richardson
Liya Whyte
Lucidity Level 7 group A
Natasha Miller
Aimee Hartley
Bonnie Govier
Scarlett Bainbridge
Lucidity Level 7 group B
Zoe Skevington
Sarita Wang
Stella Riley
Addison Mildon
Lucidity Level 7 group C
Isla-Ruby Cookson
Abbie Edgerley
Ella Dron
Kelsey Cookson
Pippa Tansley
Lucidity Level 10
Lily Edgerley
Grace Johnson
AWDA Rhythm ‘n’ Steps
EXAMINER: Mrs Foster (JDNZ Jazz & Lyrical)
Exams – Wednesday 14th August
9:30am Intermediate Gold Lyrical (5) 35 mins
10:05am Advanced 2 Jazz (2) 40 mins
10:45am Morning Tea
11:00am Major Jazz (6) 60 mins
Intermediate Gold Lyrical
Charlotte Malone
Sarita Wang
Zoe Skevington
Eva Skinner
Kate Turnbull
Advanced 2 Jazz
Gur Parsaad Kaur Khalsa
Keri Burden
Major Jazz JDNZ
Josie Hua
Addison Chin
Charlotte Malone
Eva Skinner
Lennard Burling
David Burning
AWDA Rhythm ‘n’ Steps
EXAMINER: Miss Sherwood
Exams – Monday 19th August
12:00pm Pre Primary Ballet (3) 20 mins
12:20pm Grade 1 Ballet (8) 40 mins
1:00pm Grade 2 Ballet (5) 30 mins
1:30pm Grade 3 Ballet (2) 30 mins
2:00pm Finish
Pre Primary Ballet Assessment
Inaaya Bansel
Zelda Tusega
Wana-I-Rangi Snowden
Grade 1 Ballet Assessment
Auri Han
Isla Rodan
Isla Grondin
Zuri Holt
Uma Watt
Lexi Grainger
Nathan Huff
Grade 2 Ballet Assessment
Keirah Vickery
Kuini Babbington
Carter Watt
Abbigale Sun
Grace Cochrane
Grade 3 Ballet Assessment
Ella Bickerton
Sophia Henderson Martens
EXAMINER: Miss Calman
Exams – Thursday 22nd August
9:00am Grade 1 Ballet – group A (2) 25 mins
9:25am Grade 1 Ballet – group B (3) 35 mins
10:00am Grade 3 Ballet (2) 30 mins
10:30am Morning Tea
10:45am Grade 4 Ballet (4) 50 mins
11:35am Grade 5 Ballet (4) 50 mins
12:25pm Lunch
1:25pm Discovering Repertoire (1) 15 mins
1:40pm Advanced 1 Ballet (2) 65 mins
Grade 1 Ballet – group A
Layla Margan
Ramona Nancarrow
Grade 1 Ballet – group B
Olivia Dron
Grace Sweeney
Daisy Le Chemniant
Grade 3 Ballet – group A
Jessica Babbington
Leah Francis
Grade 4 Ballet
Shania Shen
Ruby Wood
Dorothea Major
Rilla Burling
Grade 5 Ballet
Sophia Dron
Isabelle Tarrant
Emily Avery
Emily Wicks
Advanced 1 Ballet
Gur Parsaad Kaur Khalsa
Saskia van Beurden
Discovering Repertoire
Brooklyn Davies
Auckland West Dance Academy
Music Operator: Robyn Campton
Exams – ??? August EXAM DATE TBC
09:30 Grade 2 Tap 4 30 mins
10:00 Grade 5 Tap 4 30 mins
10:30 Morning Tea (15 mins)
10:45 Tap ‘n’ Beats Stage 7 1 20 mins
11:05 Elementary Ballet 4 110 mins
12.55 Lunch (40 mins)
1.35 Finish
Elementary Ballet
Addison Chin
Mie Whyte
Lennard Burling
David Burling
Grade 2 Tap – APTA Junior Tap
Millie Murata
Mahiya Mobin
Dorothea Major
Osana Te’evale
Grade 5 Tap
Rilla Burling
Cara Newman
Lennard Burling
David Burling
Tap ‘n’ Beats L7
Lauren Erceg
Brooklyn Davies
AWDA Rhythm ‘n’ Steps Exam Checklist
*Please Use this checklist as a guideline you need for your exam,
□Mocha Jazz tights (up to Junior Jazz 2) – no ladders in tights, spare pair recommended
□AWDA ¾ Pants – Junior Jazz 3 and above and above
□Purple AWDA Leotard (up to Elementary Jazz 3), Black leotard Major/Intermediate and above
□Black Jazz Shoes, kneepads for Major Jazz
□Boys – AWDA tee and black shorts with black Jazz shoes
□Mulberry leotard up to and including Grade 4. Purple leotard for Grade 5. Black leotard for Intermediate Foundation, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced.
□Mulberry skirt for Pre Primary & Primary Ballet (not worn in exams for grades)
□Waist band for Grade 1-5 RAD
□Ballet socks up to Grade 2 ballet. Flesh Coloured ballet tights Grade 3 Ballet and above.
□Ballet Shoes, character shoes for RAD Gd 1 – 5
□Pointe Shoes/Spare Pointe Shoe – Intermediate Foundation & above
□Drink Bottles/Towels – Intermediate Foundation and above
Urban Ignition
□AWDA Singlet or AWDA black tee shirt
□AWDA Hip Hop Pants for the girls
□Clean Black Canvas Shoes (Laces are to be tucked in). No Socks!
□Purple scrunchie for girls
□Boys – Boys AWDA tee shirt and black shorts, black canvas shoes
□Black Leotard
□AWDA purple shorts
□Shimmer tights
□Black Tap Shoes
□Boys – White long sleeve business shirt with black trousers and black socks
Lyrical / Lucidity – Encore Theatre
□ AWDA purple Leotard to level 8, black leotard level 9 & 10 individual class
□AWDA ¾ Pants
□Foot undies – optional for lyrical. Black jazz shoes for Encore Theatre
Please arrive early to your exam (1 hour) with your hair completed and your uniform already on. It is preferred and more sanitary to bring your own gear. Most accessories are able to be purchased in chemists.
(see the next page to confirm which hairstyle is required for your exam)
New students to AWDA – if you are unsure how to do the required hairstyle for the exam please check our AWDA Band Facebook page as there are tutorials on this on how to do the exam hairstyles or ask at the office for more information. If you arrive on the day and your child’s hair is not up to exam standard then it will have to be re-done (which will incur a charge). Please bring all of your hair supplies with you even if you have arrived with your hair already done.
No jewellery! No nail polish! No knickers! Check bras does not show. (Normal make-up may be worn by older candidates).When you arrive go straight into Studio 3 (downstairs). Students will be taken upstairs just before their exam.
AWDA Rhythm ‘n’ Steps Required Hairstyles (Girls)
Primary Jazz 1 – Space Buns
Primary Jazz 2 to Elementary Jazz 3 – Bun or plait bun
Major/Intermediate Jazz and above – Your choice of bun, plait bun or French plait
All grades – Bun
Urban Ignition
All grades – Ponytail (tight with no fringe, check photo below for required height)
All grades – Bun
Encore Theatre
All grades – Bun or plait bun
Lyrical / Lucidity
All grades – French plait or Double French Plait
Examinations Hair Supplies required:
□Nylon Bun Net – As close to your hair colour as possible (not for Urban Ignition)
□Bobby Pins (long sizes and short sizes) – These come in 4 different colours – Black, Brown, Gold, Light Blonde. Please have the pins as close to your hair colour as possible
□Hair Ties – As close to your hair colour as possible
□Studio Hair Scrunchie – Purple for Jazz (please bring this)
□Gel, Hairspray
□Hair Brush
*IMPORTANT* All students are to come with their hair already done for exams. No jewellery! No nail polish! No knickers! Check bras does not show. (Normal make-up may be worn by older candidates).